7th grade 英语 engages students in writing and literature experiences. They implement the writing process in several different types of writing such as summarizing key ideas, 回应文学, 叙述虚构的或自传体的主题, 有说服力的论文和研究论文. 学生们学会用轶事来支持论文陈述, 描述, 事实, 具体的例子. 他们也写读书报告和日记. 在文学课上,学生们阅读各种各样的短篇故事和小说. Literature studies focus on vocabulary as well as literary components such as character, 情节, 主题, 冲突, 观点. In addition to literary anthologies, students read grade-appropriate novels.
This course provides students with the tools and skills necessary for critical thinking and analytical, 有创意的, 反思性写作. 学生写记叙文, 说明的, 有说服力的, 和描述性文章,包括一个明确定义的论点, 详细的证据, 以及支持论点的推理. 在文学, students read and respond to culturally significant works that reflect and enhance their studies of history. 它们阐明思想,并将其与其他文学作品联系起来. 它们决定了不同诗歌形式之间的关系, 评估情节的结构要素, 比较和对比文学人物的动机, 分析设置, 识别文学手法, 分析反复出现的主题.
This 8th grade course covers important events that have shaped 美国历史上 from its roots through 南北战争 and Industrialization. 年内, 学生们讨论我们国家的起源, the development of our democratic government and the constitution as well as early presidents and the birth of political parties. 他们审视着一个不断扩张和变化的国家, specifically looking at the different paths of the North and South, 改革运动, 向西扩张, 南北战争, 重建时期. 学生获得评估历史证据的能力, understand cause and effect relationships by looking at igniting events and the consequences that follow, 分析政治和经济变化, and consider the changing ideals and social conditions of the people.
在这个课堂上, 7th grade students study different cultures throughout the world starting with the Roman Empire. 学生学习成为学术侦探. They study the roots of Islam and the Islamic Empire followed by the kingdoms of Africa and the civilizations of the Americas, 特别是玛雅人, 阿芝特克人, 和印加人. Topics covered also include Asian civilizations, Chinese dynasties, and Japan. The culmination of the course is the study of Medieval Europe and the Renaissance finishing up with The Enlightenment in early modern Europe.
This course is designed for 7th grade students to study living things in their world through cell biology and genetics. 学生们学习现代生物是如何进化的, 生存, 并通过对地球和生命史的研究来繁殖. Students also learn how physical principles function in living systems. 最后, students learn to understand the scientific process including 调查 和实验.
物理科学, 8th grade students conduct inquiry oriented learning of the following subjects: motion, 部队, 物质结构, 地球在太阳系中的位置, 反应, 生命系统化学, 元素周期表, 密度和浮力, 调查, 和实验. 光的基本概念, 力学, 化学是重新审视,而主题,如镜头, 能量的转换, 能量守恒, 介绍了溶液的性质和溶解度. In addition, students study the structure and composition of the universe.
Middle school math placement is determined by students’ pre-requisite math skills. Students are placed in the math course that correlates with their level of performance and builds concepts in a structured, 顺序.
本课程涵盖了一系列的主题. 在第一学期, 学生评价和写表达, 学习数学属性, 回顾整数, 解线性方程和不等式, 以多项式结束. 此外,他们还使用比率、比例和百分比. 第二学期从绘制线性方程开始, 学习斜率, 以及解方程组. 学生们继续研究不平等问题, 学习根式表达式和勾股定理, and understand relations and functions culminating with the quadratic formula.
This class is designed to develop the math skills needed to perform everyday problem solving tasks. 学生学习分数, 小数, 百分比, 不同的测量系统, 比率, 图, 和公式. They learn to integrate the concepts and skills through real life word problems/situations. 对基础数学的扎实理解为学习新数学铺平了道路, 代数和几何中更复杂的数学.
在本课程中, students take the math skills they have learned and transition to the more abstract concept of applying those skills symbolically. Operations from previous math classes are applied to more complex problems that become the basis for our increasingly technologically-driven society. Students in the 代数入门 class spend time solidifying the basics of what they have learned in order to understand these higher level expressions with the expectation of mastery in 代数1. The program follows the California 数学 Framework for public schools using the texts, 基于智能板技术的课程, and real world experiences as resources to achieve those standards.
在算术, 学生们会接触到这些技能, 术语, and concepts required prior to taking a high school level algebra course. Students in 算术 are expected to know and work proficiently with basic algebraic 术语 and processes by the end of the year. The program follows the California 数学 Framework using the texts, 基于智能板技术的设计, and real world experiences as resources to achieve those standards.
在中学期间, 学生学会提炼, 结合, and apply a variety of movement and motor skills learned in elementary school. Students are provided with opportunities to improve their fitness while understanding more advanced concepts related to physical fitness and physical activity. 重点是运动和运动技能的应用, 个人和双重身体活动, 田径, 以及团队活动. Students work with other students towards a common goal through team participation. 课程的目标包括保持身体健康, 建立积极的自我形象, 培养适当的社会行为.
Middle school students learn about and explore artwork from a variety of historical and cultural contexts in many different mediums. Students create personalized artworks in class that include drawing, painting and sculpture. These artworks showcase the students’ knowledge of art while creating a vehicle for personal expression.
这门八年级课程的重点是社交, 情感, and biological development of issues surrounding adolescence and the life transitions one faces. 它包含了社交技巧课程, 发展的理论, and learning how to better understand oneself as an emerging teenager. 该课程还旨在解释和教授卫生知识, 健康和饮食, 毒品和酒精, 以及不断变化的人体. 学生探索自己的价值观, 个性, and experiences in order to develop and maintain healthy decision making. These tools better prepare students for high school and success in life.
This middle school theater course helps students understand how cultural influences affect the content and meaning of plays. Students break down scripts and analyze plays looking at character motivation. 通过读者戏剧练习, 学生使用表达, 语调, 和变化使戏剧生动起来. 学生获得演示投影的练习, 声乐品种, 用语, 口头陈述中的手势.